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The opinions expressed by participants on the ArrayCast are their own and are not necessarily shared by their employers or organizations with which they are affiliated.
Thinking in Vectors
Thinking in Vectors
Stephen is delivering a talk on how to think in vectors and we reflect on what thinking in vectors might mean.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Stephen Taylor, Adám Brudzewsky and Bob Therriault.
Language Comparisons with proglangcast
Christopher Augustus and Steve Thames from proglangcast and their future project proglangbase that will provide detailed analysis of programming language strengths and weaknesses.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guests: Christopher Augustus and Steve Thames
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Kai Schmidt and the Evolving Uiua Programming Language
Uiua is Kai Schmidt's stack-based array language that has seen strong growth and much change in it first months.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Kai Schmidt
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Conor McCarthy, PyKX and kdb+ 4.1
Conor McCarthy, the head architect of the KX-Python interface PyKX, tells us about version 4.1 of kdb+.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Conor McCarthy
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Stine Kromberg, Dyalog CEO.
Stine Kromberg, the new CEO of Dyalog Ltd. unveils the new Dyalog Forge as way for APL enthusiasts to promote the language and looks at the business of promoting the array languages.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Stine Kromberg
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
KamilaLisp and Kamila Szewczyk
For this episode, we spoke with wunderkind Kamila Szewczyk, creator of the KamilaLisp experimental language.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Kamila Szewczyk
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Henry Rich and the Release of J9.5
Henry Rich and the Release of J9.5
Henry joins us once again to tell about the challenges he faced developing the newest version of J - also his feelings on tacit programming.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Henry Rich
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Elias Mårtenson and the Kap array programming language.
Kap is an array programming language written in Kotlin. We discuss the choices that Elias Mårtenson made as the language evolved.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Guest: Elias Mårtenson
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Rich Park, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Primitives, Symbols and Keywords… Oh my!
The original plan was to talk about tacit programming, but we never got around to it. Instead we discovered that naming things is indeed one of the hard problems of computing.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
James Price Creator of the Draculark Game on the Commodore Super Pet.
James Price is an engaging story-teller and retro-programmer who develops games in APL for the Commodore Super Pet.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
David Zwitser, the art of making games with BQN.
David Zwitser is an artist who is using the BQN array language to create games. We explore his views on Art, Games and exploring computing as a non-computer scientist.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Brian Ellingsgaard and the Rayed-BQN Games Framework
Brian Ellingsgaard tells us about developing a games framework on BQN and we all discuss the challenges of Advent of Code.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky and Bob Therriault.
Tali Beynon and Rainbow Arrays
Tali Beynon returns and continues his explorations of named axes and then moves on to Category Theory and interface augmented educational tools.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Richard Park and Bob Therriault.
Tali Beynon and the Power of Axis Naming
Tali Beynon is our guest and he tells us about his explorations of named axes and the opportunity that they present for the array languages.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Richard Park, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Introduction to Games in the Array Languages
How easy is it to make games with the array languages and what examples do we have of games that are being made.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
Uiua, a Stack based Array language
Kai Schmidt tells us all about Uiua (wee-wah), a very new stack based tacit array language.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.
What is Singeli?
Marshall Lochbaum tells us all about Singeli, a fast intermediate representation language that can support the array languages in an array friendly way.
Host: Conor Hoekstra
Panel: Marshall Lochbaum, Adám Brudzewsky, Stephen Taylor and Bob Therriault.